When travelling from England to Australia 130 years ago loved ones would wait an excruciating 6 months to hear whether your vessel arrived safely in Australia or had been shipwrecked along the way. Passage by sailing clipper between England and Australia was about a 90 day one-way journey so your letter home to say “We’ve landed” would […]
Travellers Tales ~ Bust Ups on the Road
Having spent a glorious European summer living, working and travelling in Scandinavia my boyfriend and I were homeward bound, hitch-hiking south from Sweden to Denmark. We’d taken the ferry from Gothenburg to Frederikshavn and were on the final leg to Esbjerg (to catch the ferry back to England) when, we had a disagreement. It was over […]
Music Travelling Tales – Part Two
Each month we call for travelling tales on our Facebook page, related to a theme ~ Last month it was for travelling tales about fathers – This month, one of our face book friends Jean suggested music as the theme. We published Part one on Friday, here are another five Evocative sounds you’ve heard on your travels […]
So, Who is Linda?
The wonderful Craig and Caz Makepiece of yTravel Blog hold a weekly “Post your URL”on their Facebook Page where a random participant is drawn and last week it was —–> ME!!<—– (Linda Fairbairn of Journey Jottings!) They promptly asked me some questions… and this is what I said 😉 1. So, who is Linda? Born in England, I […]
Do you have a Medical Case of Wanderlust?
I came across this blog post headlined: “Diagnosed with Dromomania (A Psychological Travel Illness) – Do you have it?” Any traveller couldn’t help but be sucked in by this headline and when I shared it on Twitter I immediately got numerous responses of relief from some of my fellow travel-loving compatriots that they were finally diagnosed 😉 According […]
Travel journal? Forget it!
Forget the generic travel journal… when going off on a short break or holiday in Australia Lets face it, you’re on holiday ~ you want to relax, have fun. For highlighting your holiday adventures simply summarize your trip on a single sheet with a Journey Jottings Map Journal. For flying visits make a dash to your destination! With a […]
Jottings on PostCards
My good friend Kirsty Wilson from Travel Tips Plus & Interim Business Solutions wrote a blog post last week entitled ‘Souvenirs: Postcards from Travel Destinations”. I posted the link onto our Facebook page asking: “Do you keep all the PostCards you receive?” Photo: Travel Tips Plus “I keep them!” piped up Charley Jones And Sarah […]
Year at a Glance – May 2010
At the end of each month… I jot down what has been the main highlight for that month, so at the end of the year (and for the fun of future reminiscing) I’ll have the year simply summarized on a single sheet on one of our Map Journals ~ The highlight for May was the expansion of our Map […]
My 3 Best Kept Travel Secrets
I’ve been nominated by Kirsty Wilson of TravelTipsPlus to participate in Tripbase’s “3 Best Kept Secrets” “Congratulations on being nominated in Tripbase’s Best Kept Travel Secrets Project! Two months on, and we’re amazed at the response we’ve had. Over 100 travel bloggers have participated so far, sharing their Best Kept Travel Secrets on far-flung destinations, […]
Not quite so spontaneous…?
“I’m not sure where to start” is a common cry with anything new! Whether that be the first gleaming white page in a new travel journal or your new Map Journal. Making that first mark on your Map Journal can be a little daunting ~ but remember there’s no such thing as a ‘bad’ mark or […]