At the end of each month… I jot down what has been the main highlight for that month, so at the end of the year (and for the fun of future reminiscing) I’ll have the year simply summarized on a single sheet on one of our Map Journals ~ The highlight for May was the expansion of our Map […]
Map Magnets
Map Magnet Memories At the beginning of 2010 we introduced a line of fridge magnets illustrated with our pictorial hand drawn maps that we added to our Journey Jottings range of Australia Map Journals, Mail-It Maps and 12″ Scrapbook maps ~ Regions covered by our Map Magnets We started off by covering the major cities […]
Southern Cross Sighting – 21st November 1878 – 56th day at sea
“A grand sea on today; one moment we are in a valley & the next on a mountain. It is also considerably colder now. Our friend was quite near us this morning & we found by looking through the glass that she had got a lot of horses on board. Yesterday afternoon Ada had a […]
On the Move
Moving House Are you moving house? Do you want to visually show people the spatial relationship of where you’ve moved from and where you’ve gone to? We’ve had a major removal company take our Mail-It Maps! They’re giving them to clients (like you) who’re moving home to use as change of address cards that will […]
The Moon & the Tides

Living by the sea I’ve become very aware of the ever changing tides… their times and their heights. Governed by the moon, there are two high tides and two low tides in each twenty-four hour period, with the lunar cycle taking twenty-nine and a half-days to complete. This means that each day the tide occurs 50 minutes […]
Putting ‘Terra Australis’ on the Map
Aboriginals have inhabited the Australian continent for at least 40,000 years, but it’s a matter of debate which European nationality was the first to ‘discover’ Australia and put it on the map. Terra Australis Incognita ~ The Unknown Land of the South ~ appeared on Ptolemy’s maps, circa 150AD. Ptolemy’s 8-book atlas ‘Geographica’ was the […]
Grandchildren Following the Footsteps

A few years ago Rosemary packed up home to travel around Australia on an extended holiday. When she reached Central Australia she came across Journey Jottings Journal Maps. She bought three Australia Journal Maps. Posting one to each of her grandchildren who lived in Great Britain. Where’s Grandma? From this point on on her travels around […]
100 Aker Wood & the Acorn

100 Aker Wood – The Perfect Story Map Do you love the stories of Pooh Bear along with EH Shepherd’s gorgeous illustrations that adorn every page of AA Milne’s classic – The House at Pooh Corner? And what about the the magical map of 100 aker wood, which in the original version appeared pasted across […]