Hello 2015! And Hello to You here on Journey Jottings 😀 After a wonderful Christmas with family in Scotland, New Years Day was a wild, windy, wet affair wearing Wellington boots for sploshing in puddles! Come and join me welcome in the New Year… Click here if you can’t see it: http://youtu.be/bjtAT8ZCbL4 H–A–P–P–Y N–E–W Y–E–A–R!
Capture the Colour

COLOUR Our world enjoys the full rainbow spectrum of fresh, vibrant, explosive, life-force colours. Amazingly, there are only three primary colours ~ Red, Blue & Yellow – from which all other colours are mixed. The complementary colours, often referred to as being on the ‘other side of the colour wheel’, are simply two of these colours […]
Deadlines Are Lifesavers

Deadlines send shivers down my spine. Why? It’s not the deadline itself. The finish line is where all the glory happens – and it’s time for celebration. But if you have a deadline, you also have to start. And that’s the wriggle worthy part. Where the true discomfort lays ~ It’s the start-line ~ more than the dead-line. […]
Wagging Work… or, Seize the Day!

It started like any other Monday at our Journey Jottings island office. Phil, our Customer Service Manager, was making telephone calls to some of our 500 or so retailers across Australia to check stock levels of our Journey Jottings products … Updating records in the database, creating invoices and passing them onto to the packing section […]
Rainbow visions for 2011
Its New Year’s Eve! An evening of optimism and anticipation ~ New Years Eve is like a rainbow ~ No matter how dark or stormy the end of year may be, a glimmer of sunshine always filters through to create a streaming arch of colour lifting you up, and over, and who knows, maybe to […]
My Artist’s Date
At times the world seems quite manic. Family life feels fast and furious, business gets busier and there’s a constant race servicing the needs of family members, business colleagues and company customers. With so much energy pouring out of the pot (solving other people’s problems) one can’t help but cry “What about ME!!” In her […]
New Eyes
Spotted this poster on the Community Board down at the ferry terminal 🙂 “The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes” Marcel Proust Having recently written a blog post about travelling on home turf its a quote that I love! 😀
Cultural Exchanges
Cultural exchanges in Australia ~ I was in Brisbane last week ~ And with business done… I couldn’t resist popping into the Queensland Art Gallery for a quick look! It fascinates me how they’re able to have such a beautiful big water feature in amongst their delicate art works! For the longevity of the exhibits the […]
Ron Mueck Exhibition
When Ron Mueck’s exhibition at GOMA (Gallery of Modern Art) came to Brisbane… I went on the opening day! It was an extraordinary experience of observing human forms; finding oneself staring transfixed at bodily details. Peering into the worlds of human beings frozen in time. At times the gallery crowd became part of the scene. The Wild […]
Blue Moon
A ‘blue‘ moon? Not literally of course! The term ‘blue’ moon in recent times has come to refer to the second of two full moons occurring in a single calendar month. This can only happen when there is a full moon early in the month so as to allow for the twenty nine and a half […]