Inspiration not only feels like a breath of fresh air – It literally is a breath of fresh air! While the word ‘inspire’ figuratively means to excite, rouse and inflame: fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. “breath or put life or spirit into the […]
How to Simply Summarise Your Year
Yikes! When I heard last week someone say it was October, my heart missed a beat! Three quarters of the way through the year – Where has it gone? What have I done? Is the year escaping me? I’m convinced the world is spinning faster as days fly, weeks skip and months on occasions simply […]
Year at a Glance 2013 January to June
Do you hear yourself saying… “Where did that time go to?” “What happened to that month?” Me too! But lets be honest, there comes a time when you can’t keep saying something, and not do anything about it. So, three and a half years ago, I did! I made a change. I began a […]
Year at a Glance – 2012
How did your 2012 unfurl? Did it blossom? What were your monthly highlights? 🙂 For three years I’ve stopped at the end of each month to contemplate (and acknowledge) just one thing that’s moved forward (in any shape or form) in amongst the fun and games going on at Journey Jottings. Using an A2 (59.4cm […]
Year at a Glance – Where has 2012 gone… So far?
Do you need reminding? The middle of the year is nigh? This week, in the southern hemisphere it’s mid-winter’s day and so the shortest day of the year or… in the northern hemisphere the 21st June is mid-summer’s day and is the longest day of the year. Either way, half the year has gone! I used to […]
How to Enjoy the Year that Was
Farewell 2011… Welcome 2012 As we herald in a New Year I’m always excited by the blank canvas that lays before me. What will I fill the empty spaces with? Will it go as anticipated? …or will there be serendipitous encounters resulting in spontaneous changes of plan (as in taking an on the spur trip […]
Year at a Glance – October, November, December 2011
At the end of each month I notate a *highlight* so at year’s end I can see the previous twelve months simply summarized on a single sheet. As December draws to a close I’ve just realised I haven’t posted October or November’s highlight here on the blog. But with the period between Christmas and the […]
Year at a Glance – September 2011
Each month I notate on a Map Journal a highlight so at year’s end I can peruse the 2011 Year at a Glance all simply summarized on a single sheet.
Year at a Glance – August 2011
As the year flies past, at the end of each month I select a highlight to record so at year’s end (when I’m thinking ‘Where did that go?’) I can view the Year at a Glance and say – That’s where it went… and just look at what I did! Having got the Puzzle Postcards […]
Year at a Glance – July’s highlight: Puzzle Postcard Maps in Production
We celebrate and enjoy *sporting highlights* *holiday highlights* but how often do you hear about *business highlights*? Each month I notate a *Journey Jottings highlight*, which I summarize on a single sheet, so at year’s end I can view Journey Jottings’ year at a glance. July’s *highlight*? The development of a new product line ~ our […]