This month’s travelling tales by *you* is about SPRING. We asked where have you spent a memorable Spring – or taken some gorgeous spring photographs? Desolie Page As I’ve lived all my life in SE and Central Queensland, spring has not been a remarkable event – apart from the rapid change from ‘cool’ to […]
Birthday Bashes Around the World
August is my birthday month… so this month’s travelling tales theme from our Facebook friends is: Where in the World have you spent a Birthday? Kaylene Higgs I remember only one away from home! Traveling for a work trip through WA. Monkey Mia for my birthday morning, up early and a dolphin came in for […]
Worst Travel Tales
This month’s themed travelling tales from our Facebook Page is Worst Travel Stories This time last year we started a monthly ‘travelling tales’ feature that’s posted on our Facebook Page. Its a free-for-all where everyone shares their travel stories ~ focused on a theme. Because the first was ‘Favourite Travel Tales’, and this is the year old anniversary, […]
Book Inspired Destinations
Have you read a book and said “I’ve got to go there?” This is what we asked our Facebook Friends for this month’s themed travelling tales. What authors have inspired you to dream of visiting a faraway place? Gavin Maxwell ~ Scotland Jean Doorn One day in the month of May I will walk […]
Mystery or Surprise Travelling Facebook Tales
Mystery or Surprise Travelling Tales was this month’s Facebook theme ~ Suggested by Em, a Journey Jottings Facebook ‘liker’, Em said “Wish I’d been on a mystery trip, unfortunately hasn’t happened yet, looking forward to reading everyone else’s stories though” So here we go… The most amazing ‘Surprise’ tale was from Andy who (with his […]
Celebrations, Festivals & Carnivals ~ Facebook Tales
With Easter and ANZAC Day (in Australia) our Travelling Tales theme this month is Celebrations, Festivals & Carnivals Kirsty Wilson I enjoyed Easter in Malta once & that was an experience. We were staying with locals who knew it was important to arrive early for the Easter Parade. We claimed a position on a landing […]
Worldwide Works of Art in Public Spaces
This month’s travelling tales theme on our Facebook page is sculpture or art in public places. I wrote a post about some Street Sculptures in Brisbane I came across on a day in the city and thought it’d be fun to see what art works other people have noticed on their travels. To set the tone Jean Doorn offered […]
Wherefore art thou? Romantic travelling tales
Each month we have a themed travelling tales competition on our Facebook page (winner receives a Journey Jottings bundle of products) This last month (with Valentines Day on February 14th) the theme… ROMANCE Genevieve Frew Husband #1 and I were engaged when I went on my big overseas backpacking trip. I left him at home […]
Food, Glorious Food – Part 2
This month’s Facebook Travelling Tales theme is: *FOOD* Part 1 was posted on Friday ~ Here is Part 2 🙂 What delectable tasty’s have you relished? What horrendous ‘foods’ have passed your lips? What gastronomic delights have you savoured on your travels from around the world? Kirsty Wilson It was NOT a pleasant experience! I certainly showed all […]
Food, glorious food
Being so close to the December festive season synonymous with feasting and making merry… and then New Years resolutions, which so often involve diets 😉 The Facebook Travelling Tales theme this month is: *FOOD* What delectable tasty’s have you relished? What horrendous ‘foods’ have passed your lips? What gastronomic delights have you savoured on your travels from around […]