Mystery or Surprise Travelling Tales was this month’s Facebook theme ~ Suggested by Em, a Journey Jottings Facebook ‘liker’, Em said “Wish I’d been on a mystery trip, unfortunately hasn’t happened yet, looking forward to reading everyone else’s stories though” So here we go… The most amazing ‘Surprise’ tale was from Andy who (with his […]
Twitter – Are you all of a flutter? Or still sitting on your perch?

Twitter turned five in March 2011 It was 3 years before the billionth tweet was sent. Today, a billion tweets fly through the Ethernet every week While nearly half a million people sign up for Twitter every day, only 21 million are classed as ‘active’ Twitter users, meaning they follow 30 people (or more). I joined […]
Carpet Python – Photo
Australia Photo ~ Carpet Python Carpet Python digesting dinner This was spotted just outside the loos at Wollumbin in northern NSW, Australia “Yikes”
Traveller’s Tweet Up in Australia’s Rainforest
Today, we not only meet people in real life, we also form friendships across the world through the Ethernet via Social Media. And what’s even more fun is when these friendships are solidified in the flesh! This week I met Michela Fantinel for the first time face to face. I’ve ‘known’ Michela for over a year […]
Strangler Fig engulfing its Host – Photo
Australia Photo ~ Strangler Fig engulfing its host Photographed on the lower slopes of Wollumbin (Mt Warning NP) I’ve also photographed another stunning example of a strangler fig at Natural Arch from which I’ve extracted and copied the below description:- “Strangler figs start as an epiphyte, meaning a seed is in most cases bird deposited in a […]
Serendipitous Encounters on the Road

What’s the statistical chance of bumping into someone you know when in some far flung land, miles from home? Tales of a Traveller – Serendipitous Encounters Slow Boat to Sumatra We were sailing from Singapore to Sumatra aboard a rubber cargo boat that took just 12 passengers (the number that could fit horizontally on the […]
Wollumbin (Cloud Catcher) – Photo
Australia Photo ~ Wollumbin ~ Mt Warning ~ Cloud Catcher This photo of Mt Warning in northern NSW, Australia is taken coming over the range from Natural Bridge in Queensland into the Tweed Valley. The peak of Mt Warning is a volcanic plug and stands proud in the centre of the caldera. Mt Warning was […]
Celebrations, Festivals & Carnivals ~ Facebook Tales
With Easter and ANZAC Day (in Australia) our Travelling Tales theme this month is Celebrations, Festivals & Carnivals Kirsty Wilson I enjoyed Easter in Malta once & that was an experience. We were staying with locals who knew it was important to arrive early for the Easter Parade. We claimed a position on a landing […]
Australia Rainforest Buttress Roots
Australia Photo ~ Buttress roots seen near the base of Wollumbin (Mt Warning), Northern NSW Along the border between Queensland and NSW are some beautiful sections of rainforest. Lamington National Park is on the Queensland side, and the Border Ranges is on the NSW side, along with Wollumbin (Mt Warning) I love rainforest ~ Its […]
If Digital became a Dinosaur, do you have a Back-Up Plan?
When travelling from England to Australia 130 years ago loved ones would wait an excruciating 6 months to hear whether your vessel arrived safely in Australia or had been shipwrecked along the way. Passage by sailing clipper between England and Australia was about a 90 day one-way journey so your letter home to say “We’ve landed” would […]