The downsides to long haul air travel are all ‘D’s… Dehydration, DVT and Deafness (as the pressure changes on descent) 🙁 To overcome these, here are my tips – Dehydration: I take a water bottle with me – Whilst there can be no liquid in it as you board (current security) the larger planes have […]
Travelling on Home Turf
Its funny how we clamber to travel and explore other parts of the globe, whilst travellers from other parts of the globe clamber to travel and experience our home turf! Places, that to us are merely where we go about our everyday business are to them a far off distant land worthy of exploring; areas that […]
Solway Firth Coastal Walk
Due to the Icelandic volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull my stay in Scotland was extended 🙂 Making the most of the extra time, my sister and I did a coastal walk along the Solway Firth south of Dalbeatie between Sandyhills to Rockcliffe ~ There is something gorgeous about walking a trail that winds along a stone walled cliff’s edge […]
Sculpture Treasure Hunt at Cairnsmore of Fleet Nature Reserve
Cairnsmore of Fleet is a National Nature Reserve covering just under 2,000 hectares of south-west Scotland. Made up of wild and open heather moorland, Cairnsmore itself is a large granite ‘hill’ (2331 feet/711 metres) that rises unforested from river valley to summit; yet as one enters the Reserve it is the rugged ‘escarpment’ of the […]
Scotland & a Drop of Rain
The weather during my second week in Scotland was a little damper! However, despite the wet we ventured out into the Galloway Forest and up to see the Grey Mare’s Tail waterfall in full flow ~ (There are several waterfalls in GB with this name – This one is in the Galloway Forest Park on […]
My 3 Best Kept Travel Secrets
I’ve been nominated by Kirsty Wilson of TravelTipsPlus to participate in Tripbase’s “3 Best Kept Secrets” “Congratulations on being nominated in Tripbase’s Best Kept Travel Secrets Project! Two months on, and we’re amazed at the response we’ve had. Over 100 travel bloggers have participated so far, sharing their Best Kept Travel Secrets on far-flung destinations, […]
Duck Billed Platypus
Duck Billed Platypus are shy creatures, so seeing one in the flesh when in the Australian outback makes it all the more remarkable and special! When I lived in northern NSW I’d go down to the creek in the early morning or late evening with the children and we’d stand on the wooden bridge scanning the […]
Sun Printing in the Great Sandy Desert
For about 4 years I worked in mineral exploration as a geological draughts-person. Working on the edge of the Great Sandy Desert I was contracting to a company in Perth, Western Australia, who saw the light in sending someone out into the field with the reconnaissance team, who could plot the grids and interpolate the […]
Post Office Passport Game
School holidays in Australia, can mean lengthy car trips with the children. Whether that be going interstate to visit relatives, or simply going on a holiday to the beach ~ At a trade fair recently, a small Post Office owner was telling me how each Post Office has its own individual rubber-stamp specific to their location. […]
Antarctic Beech Trees of Gondwanaland
When you think of Australia, what landscape do you picture? Rusty red sunburnt country… Aquamarine coral reefs… Golden beaches… or… Lush green rainforest? Australian Rainforest With only 0.3% of the Australian continent covered by rainforest it’s not surprising that the image of a sunburnt country, fringed by golden beaches and the great barrier reef generally […]