Australia Photo: Epiphytes ~ Staghorns in the rainforest Photographed at Natural Bridge, one and half hours south of Brisbane in SE Queensland, Australia Here’s a link to some Birds Nest tree ferns (which are also epiphytes)!
Strangler Fig engulfing its Host – Photo
Australia Photo ~ Strangler Fig engulfing its host Photographed on the lower slopes of Wollumbin (Mt Warning NP) I’ve also photographed another stunning example of a strangler fig at Natural Arch from which I’ve extracted and copied the below description:- “Strangler figs start as an epiphyte, meaning a seed is in most cases bird deposited in a […]
Australia Rainforest Buttress Roots
Australia Photo ~ Buttress roots seen near the base of Wollumbin (Mt Warning), Northern NSW Along the border between Queensland and NSW are some beautiful sections of rainforest. Lamington National Park is on the Queensland side, and the Border Ranges is on the NSW side, along with Wollumbin (Mt Warning) I love rainforest ~ Its […]
5 Local Places I Love

I was asked by the Got Saga team “What 5 places I’d take a visitor to in my ‘home town” ~ If you come to the South Moreton Bay islands in the Bay off Brisbane, Australia these are my favourite local places that I’ll share with you… Mangroves and sea eagles ~ The inter-tidal zone at the bottom of […]
Spring in the Sub-Tropics
The downside of living on the 27th parallel south in the sub-tropics of Australia is that the season’s tend to be very similar ~ All a bit same same – It appears that the lower the latitudinal number of where you are on the globe, results in less seasonal variations of vegetation. One lot of 365 days […]
Spice of Life Linoprints
It’s always exciting to get invitations to art gallery exhibition openings and this week I got one for an exhibition of lino-prints by Anna Curtis at ‘Framed ~ The Darwin Gallery’ that runs from the 9th July to the end of the month (2010) If you are lucky enough to be in Darwin (enjoying the […]
‘Mangroves’ vegetate the inter-tidal area between land and sea that gets flooded with the tides. The name Mangrove is therefore applied to any plant that is able to live in salt water whether a tree, a bush, a fern, grass or shrub. Over 18% of the Australian coast line is vegetated with mangroves ~ This week, I was […]
Autumn Fungi
Having just got back from the Trade Fair in Sydney I thought I’d post photos illustrating our booth when I got there – a bare black box – to when fully decked out with our red display stands, maps and the Journey Jottings banner flying over head… However, in the process of taking a short-cut […]
After months of the local banksia trees showing only their old scruffy looking seed pods ~ Today, after a lot of rain, I noticed a couple of beautiful fresh lemon yellow banksia flowers blooming 🙂 The genus Banksia is named after the botanist, Sir Joseph Banks who accompanied James Cook on the 1768-1771 voyage to Australia. […]
Grass Trees
Grass trees are found in a range of climates across Australia, from WA to the NT and down to Tasmania. I photographed the group of grass trees above on Stradbroke Island, east of Brisbane, Queensland, but I have equally enjoyed their presence near Perth in WA and in the hinterland to Byron Bay in northern NSW. […]