Traveller’s Tweet Up in Australia’s Rainforest

Today, we not only meet people in real life, we  also form friendships across the world through the Ethernet via Social Media.

And what’s even more fun is when these friendships are solidified in the flesh!

This week I met Michela Fantinel for the first time face to face. I’ve ‘known’ Michela for over a year via social media having ‘met’ her on Twitter as @rockytravel. Michela is Italian and is currently spending 3 months travelling solo around Australia. Her website Rocky Travel:

is all about travelling Australia.

Michela_290Although only 0.3% of the Australian continent is covered in rainforest , half of all of Australia’s vegetation types and one third of all Australian mammals and bird species call the rainforest ‘home’. It is therefore a special place and one worthy of overseas visitors 🙂


I first took Michela to Natural Bridge , which although only an hour and a half south of Brisbane in SE Queensland, is a particularly pretty little pocket of rainforest, with a stunning waterfall that cascades down into a cave through an overhead opening. I love Natural Bridge with its strangler fig trees and epiphytes (plants that use another plant as a host to grow off – ie they have no roots in the soil, they are an air plant) so will devote a fuller post to this spectacular spot in the coming weeks.


Just a few kilometres south of Natural Bridge we ascended the pass to cross the border into NSW, leaving Queensland behind. Once down in the Tweed Valley we turned west on the Murwillumbah – Kyogle Road to Wollumbin, Mt Warning. Mt Warning was named by Lieutenant Cook as he sailed up the east coast of Australia in 1770, and being the highest peak closest to the most easterly point of Australia (Byron Bay) it’s always the first spot to catch the sun’s morning rays each day.


The lower slopes are covered in stunning rainforest vegetation and the size of some of these beautiful rainforest trees is quite staggering, as can be seen in the first photo of Michela at the top of this post, where she’s illustrating the breadth of a rainforest tree trunk – which must have had a 3-metre diameter.

The base of Wollumbin is a rainforest lover’s dream destination ~ I recently shared an image of the above buttress rainforest tree in a Photo Friday post (taken on a previous visit), but seeing Michela standing beside it really gives it some scale 😉


When we approached Wollumbin, Mt Warning was totally shrouded in a thick white mist, living up to its Cloud Catcher name

As we left, the volcanic plug peak briefly poked through the clouds for a fleeting glimpse.

Before visiting me Michela had had the fun of meeting up with many other tweeps who’s friendship she first formed on Twitter, such as:

Travelling friendships are being initiated across the world via a medium that didn’t exist when I started travelling 😉

Have you met face to face with someone you first met on Twitter?

Twitter – Are you all of a flutter? Or still sitting on your perch?

Add *your* story in the comments below

11 thoughts on “Traveller’s Tweet Up in Australia’s Rainforest

    • Its a beautiful walk that goes up through a variety of changing vegetation ~
      Although the first kilometre through the rainforest would have to be my favourite part!
      It was great to get to meet you in person ~ Maybe next time it will be in Europe 😉

    • Not this time!
      As you’ll have seen from the last photo of Mt Warning’s summit there was a lot of rain around and people who we met coming down said when they got to the top it was totally shrouded and all they could see was the mist – It literally only just peaked through the clouds to give us a brief glimpse of its summit as we were leaving –
      Having said that, its not the view I most enjoy of this place, its the vegetation – It fascinating as you go up how you go through changing types of forest from the dense wet rainforest at its base, through areas of coachwood trees to dry sclerophyll forest each forming a layer!
      I love trees 🙂

  1. Pingback: Twitter ~ Are you all of a flutter? Or still sitting on your perch? | Journey Jottings

  2. Pingback: Birds Nest Tree Ferns ~ Epiphytes | Journey Jottings

  3. Pingback: Strangler Figs and Natural Bridges | Journey Jottings

  4. Pingback: Rainforest Buttress Roots ~ Photo Friday | Journey Jottings

  5. Pingback: 12 Travel Highlights from 7 Countries

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