Kayaking the Abel Tasman is sublime! Here is a photo account of my two days paddling down the NW South Island coast of NZ.
Kayak Abel Tasman – Exploring NZ’s South Island NP from the Sea!

keeping that holiday smile on your face, forever
+61 (0)7 3829 3764
Call Journey Jottings on:Kayaking the Abel Tasman is sublime! Here is a photo account of my two days paddling down the NW South Island coast of NZ.
How to Capture Missed Moments It was the most perfect of days – A sky of pale cerulean blue across the horizon rising through wispy white clouds to a deep azure above. And a turquoise sea, which when looking into the sun shimmered and sparkled as though a canopy of diamonds was laid across its […]
The Morning after the Day Before… Kayaking the Katherine River There was a chill to the air as I peered out into the early morning light from under the flap of my swag. My arm flailed free from the confines of my bedroll falling on the thick outer canvas, wet with beads of dew. I was […]
Backpacking in the Outback I love the idea of slipping on a backpack, fully self sufficient for a few days and heading out into the wilderness… Totally away from it all. Away from the daily toil of work. Away from the hum-drum of life. Away from civilization Away from social media inter-connected-ness. But… And, this […]
The sun was rising over the horizon as I flipped the switch for the kettle. Unzipping my backpack, I popped in a couple of mangoes, some strawberries and (for a holiday treat) two apricot danish pastries and fruit juice. Downing cups of tea, we slipped on life-jackets, hats, and with sunnies atop, headed out to grab […]