I’ve been tagged! Tagged by RedNomaOz of Amazing Australian Adventures to take part in a 7 Super Shots travel blogging game. If you had to sum up your most amazing travel experiences in just seven photos, could you do it? Well… No! Travel is about experiences and one photo rarely tells the whole story, so in a […]
Central Australia… Plotting My Route
Photo of the week ~ My recent trip to Australia’s red centre was awesome! Here’s the route we took plotted on my Central Australia pictorial map journal with tales jotted in the bordered boxes around the outside… simply summarizing our trip on a single sheet and… …highlighting our holiday adventures 🙂 Do you jot down a few […]
Bearded Dragon Photo

Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps) I so nearly trod on this poor little chap! We’d stopped for breakfast on the way to Standley Chasm. I was walking through the leaf litter to get a photo of our motorhome (camperbus!) when as I moved forward there was a rustling movement underfoot! Yikes! What was I about to […]
Standley Chasm – A Photo Highlight

The colour contrasts in Standley Chasm This was my favourite image of Standley Chasm when we visited. Just 50km west of Alice Springs in the MacDonnel Ranges, Central Australia. There is so much more to see in the Red Centre than just Uluru and Kata Tjuta I need to return! What places have you been too and […]
Kata Tjuta Sunset

Kata Tjuta Sunset ~ Photo of the Week Having walked up Walpa Gorge late in the afternoon we retreated from the heart of Kata Tjuta to watch the setting sun turn the domes a deep rusty red, as a pure white full moon hovered in the deepening blue sky. Have you been to Kata Tjuta? Or […]
Uluru Waterhole

Photo of the Week ~ Kapi Mutitjulu This waterhole can be found tucked into the base of Uluru, in the heart of the Red Centre, Australia Did you know there are waterholes at Uluru?
Uluru (Ayers Rock) Photo
Australia Photo of the Week ~ Uluru (Ayers Rock) Click the link below for more fabulous photos of Uluru… My first sighting of Uluru It was magical 🙂 And if visiting – Don’t forget to check out my hand drawn pictorial Central Australia Map Journals for recording your adventure by dotting your route on the […]
Turtles & Dugongs

Australia Photo Essay: Turtles and Dugongs through the eyes of the Torres Strait Islanders. The above artwork by Dennis Nona (2010) is entitled Thurr (Tracks of the turtle). The turtle leaves the water and lumbers against gravity up the beach to lay its eggs. She digs a deep hole where she lays them for […]
Torres Strait ‘Dance Machines’

Australian Art from the Torres Strait Islands “Zamiyakal, or ‘dance machines’ are objects used in the Torres Strait. They are called machines because they have many parts that can be twisted and moved, which helps to make the dance come alive. Each island has its own dances and its own Zamiyakal. “This one is called […]
After the Storm

Australia Photo ~ The morning after the night before when the wind howled and the rain lashed. And years of growth snapped like matchsticks 🙁 The weather teases nature to grow its best with warm sunny days and gentle rain, then in a violent taunt shreds in a flash the creative work of years. Have […]