We see the world through a rainbow coloured spectrum – But how about focusing on just the primary colours of Red, Blue, Yellow – plus Green and White.
This is the challenge bloggers have been set.
Last year, my Capture the Colour photos primarily reflected my trip to Europe (although my favourite was the one and only shot taken in Australia of Kapi Mutitjulu, a waterhole at Uluru!)
This year, having just returned from the Red Centre and the Top End of Australia, I’m going to:
Capture the Colour of the Northern Territory
White ~ The Spiritual Power of the Northern Territory
Australia has been home to aboriginals for 40,000 years.
Their spiritual beliefs adorn the ancient rock faces in the Top End with stunning rock art.
On the right of this image is Namarrgon the Lightning Man – You can see the lightning connecting his legs, arms and head, with stone axes on his knees and elbows that makes the thunder.
To the left of him is Namarndjolg and below left of Namarndjolg is his wife Barrginij.
The ochres that are ground down and mixed with a resin fixative to create the rock art are:
- Haematite to make the Red
- Limonite to make the Yellow
- Charcoal to make the Black and
- Pipeclay makes the White
While the irony of representing the Northern Territory indigenous population with the colour white was not lost on me –
The ethereal nature of spirituality across all cultures is the colour of white light
Green ~ The Power of Nature in the NT – A Biophiliac’s Delight
Not only are the pandanus screw pines (often referred to as pandanus palms, despite being no relation to the palm family) growing along the banks of the Katherine River in the Top End lush and green, but floating down the river in a canoe (or a kayak) is a wonderfully green way to travel.
With food for three days and swags to sleep out under the stars on board (see the bedroll in the front), we floated silently down stream playing tag with sea eagles and egrets that flew from tree to tree ahead of us.
Read the full post about kayaking down the river here:
How to Journey into the Outback and Not Carry a Backpack.
A green, eco way to travel
Blue ~ The Power of the Landscape in the Northern Territory
This is Kings Canyon, reflected in Kings Creek at Watarrka National Park, Central Australia.
The complementary colour of blue is orange (The ‘complement’ of a colour is a mix of the other two primary colours, so in the case of blue it is red and yellow, which mixed together makes orange)
Seeing complementary colours adjacent to each other is always striking, which is why so many artists use this technique in their paintings.
Seeing the rusty orange Northern Territory landscape against the crystal clear blue central Australia sky is magic.
Red ~ The Warmth of the Northern Territory people
Bar-B-Q’s are an integral part of Australian life.
And coming together around a campfire is universal.
But standing around a campfire with beef on the bar-b-q, having horse ridden across the cattle station to camp out for the night with the station owner is a true blue Northern Territory experience!
They say its the people you meet that make a trip –
Meeting Sue and Scott on Mt Bundy Station was heart warming.
Yellow ~ Fresh Beginnings at Kathleen Springs
Brilliant sunshine and poached egg daisy flowers with their yellow sunny side up against the red centre soil reflects the resplendent rejuvenation Kathleen Springs (close to Watarrka NP – Kings Canyon, central Australia) was experiencing six months after devastating bush fires had ravaged the area.
The Kathleen Springs National Park had only just re-opened a couple of days prior to our visit.
We felt blessed being able to witness this fresh beginning.
Want to know where each of the photographs were taken?
- White – Anbangbang Rock Art Gallery at Nourlangie in Kakadu
- Red – Around the camp fire at Mt Bundy Station
- Green – Floating down the Katherine River
- Blue – Kings Canyon in the Red Centre – Watarrka National Park
- Yellow – Kathleen Springs (15 km from Kings Canyon)

Where was each colour photographed? And if you’d like a Journal Map to record YOUR travel adventures on – Click on the Australia map to check them out 🙂
Thank you to Suzanne at Boomeresque, who nominated me –
The overall winner was http://liketheocean.com/2013/10/09/capture-the-color/
Love your photos Linda, and find it hard to choose one I like more than another, but I think the Yellow “Fresh Beginnings at Kathleen Springs” is probably my favourite, perhaps because WA is bursting with Spring colour at the moment. Of course your journey jottings map at the end stole the show for me because I love the concept 🙂
Johanna recently posted..Things to do in Surfers Paradise without going to a Gold Coast Theme Park
Thank you Jo 🙂
I love the Fresh Beginnings photo too as it seems to have so many layers to its story –
Fresh blooming wildflowers coming to life after the ravages of fire –
Shadows that could be pioneers venturing into new pastures…
Or romantically – newly-weds!
I was about to tell you that the blue photo was upside down. I’m glad I waited until I read the text. They are all “rich” with color, but my favorite is the lacy effect you achieved in the last photo with the wild flowers and the shadows. Really lovely.
It was so still at the base of the canyon, the creek offered a perfect mirror image!
I’m so pleased you like the yellow ‘poached egg daisy’ photo –
I first thought our shadows looked like pioneers venturing out into new frontiers –
And then the lacy effect made me think we looked like a wedding couple –
Either way… all synonymous with fresh new starts! 😉
RED always gets my vote … with extra points for the pyromaniac angle!! But there’s something special about the wildflowers – you’ve set the bar VERY high for those you’ve nominated to carry the baton, but thanx for the vote of confidence!!
Red Nomad Oz recently posted..13 Aussie Place Names that WON’T keep you guessing …
I know I can always rely on you for fabulous photos Red!
Looking forward to seeing your take on capturing the colour in Australia 🙂
Very interesting take on photography and description. Love it! Well done and good luck in the contest!
Mo recently posted..Get Inspired with Dalene & Peter – HeckticTravels
Its a fun exercise to focus one’s view and look at photos with a colour-centric lens, don’t you think?
Makes you look at a region from quite a different perspective! 🙂
Amazing photography, interesting links. The best Journey Jotting I have read to date. Just wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Bruce
Thanks for dropping by Bruce!
Going bush in Australia is always such a pleasure
This is enlightening the essence and power of the australian outback! Very beautiful photos Linda! Thanks for including me in the list of the 5….I honestly have not understood whether I have to pick a specific theme around the 5 colours (?) or I can choose 5 random photos of Autstralia? Maybe you know this detail….
Michela @ Rocky Travel Blog recently posted..Port Macquarie Coastal Walk
This year, as I’ve just come back from the Northern Territory, I thought it would be more fun for me to just select from my Northern Territory photographs –
But Capture the Colour photos can be a mix of any travel photos from anywhere in the world, Michela –
Have fun browsing through all your wonderful images 🙂
I love your white photo and I love your map!
Thanks so much Corinne 🙂
Maps are great – aren’t they?
They say photos tell a 1000 words… How many then I wonder do maps tell? 😉
Gorgeous pictures Linda, I think I like yellow the best although your map really steals the show 🙂 I think your maps are worth a million words!
Amanda Kendle recently posted..The shock of no culture shock on arriving in Germany
I love that phrase Amanda!
If a picture is worth a 1000 words, a map is worth a million words –
Consider it stolen 😉
Hi Linda,
Ethereal, magical, and downright gorgeous! The clever “poached egg” daisies get my vote. It took me a moment to figure out what’s going on, and then saw your sweet shadows. Fun, and the overhead angle on the flowers is captivating.
Hope your coming days are filled with inspiration and big hugs,
Josie recently posted..Travel Photo Roulette #111, Theme: Repeating Shapes
Hey Josie ~
So pleased you love the poached egg daisies and our shadows –
For some reason I feel it looks like a wedding photo!
Its certainly a photo that emits love – our love for travel, love of landscape, and love for desert vegetation 😀