Living by the sea I’ve become very aware of the ever changing tides… their times and their heights. Governed by the moon, there are two high tides and two low tides in each twenty-four hour period, with the lunar cycle taking twenty-nine and a half-days to complete. This means that each day the tide occurs 50 minutes […]
Sketchbook Watercolour
Sketchbook watercolour from a walk in the Border Range National Park (on the border of northern NSW and Qld.) Watercolour from my Sketchbook A collection of volcanic rock, Bleeding Heart leaf, giant snail shell, eucalypt leaf and fallen Flame tree flowers are things that caught my magpie eye on this walk through the rainforest […]
Antarctic Beech Trees of Gondwanaland
When you think of Australia, what landscape do you picture? Rusty red sunburnt country… Aquamarine coral reefs… Golden beaches… or… Lush green rainforest? Australian Rainforest With only 0.3% of the Australian continent covered by rainforest it’s not surprising that the image of a sunburnt country, fringed by golden beaches and the great barrier reef generally […]