Each month I notate on a Map Journal a highlight so at year’s end I can peruse the 2011 Year at a Glance all simply summarized on a single sheet.
Year at a Glance – September 2011

keeping that holiday smile on your face, forever
+61 (0)7 3829 3764
Call Journey Jottings on:Each month I notate on a Map Journal a highlight so at year’s end I can peruse the 2011 Year at a Glance all simply summarized on a single sheet.
As the year flies past, at the end of each month I select a highlight to record so at year’s end (when I’m thinking ‘Where did that go?’) I can view the Year at a Glance and say – That’s where it went… and just look at what I did! Having got the Puzzle Postcards […]
Each month I select a *highlight*, which I enter on a Map Journal, so at year’s end I can view (simply summarized on a single sheet) ~ *My 2011 Year at a Glance* I’m the worst when it comes to acknowledging my achievements – I’m a hit and run girl, get back to base and […]
We’re doing something we’ve never done before! I can’t say it’s something I’m happy about, but in response to the market… We’ve discontinued a line. Our Australia Scrapbook Pack is now, no longer 🙁 Having introduced the Scrapbook Pack in 2006 (by public demand), we’ve had 5 happy years of supplying those with a bent for cutting, […]
Each month, I grab one of our Map Journals and enter a *highlight* in one of the eleven boxes that surround the central pictorial map of Australia. When 2011 comes to a close, I can then re-view the year neatly summarized on a single sheet ~ My advancements, my successes, things I’ve achieved or done but […]
Last year, I initiated a monthly post where I looked back at the preceding 4 weeks and using one of the 11 boxes surrounding our hand drawn Australia Map Journal, recorded a *highlight*. Over the course of the year I created a sheet simply summarizing ‘2010 ~ Year at a Glance’ It was such fun looking back and […]