After a long hard winter in Scotland the grass looks yellowed and quite burnt by the snow and frost and the deciduous trees still stand silent in their bare hibernation. After months of lifelessness it is such a treat to see signs of new growth when first the snow drops and crocuses push up through the hard cold […]
Scotland & a Drop of Rain
The weather during my second week in Scotland was a little damper! However, despite the wet we ventured out into the Galloway Forest and up to see the Grey Mare’s Tail waterfall in full flow ~ (There are several waterfalls in GB with this name – This one is in the Galloway Forest Park on […]
Scotland & Spring Flowers
When I flew into Scotland in 2010 I flew in over snow capped mountains ~ People always say… “The temperature must be a bit of a shock to the system isn’t it coming from the end of a summer in Australia?” But of course quickly swapping over sandles and short sleeved shirts to wooly tights […]