Australia Photo Unfurling Tree Fern This photo was taken on my recent trip to the Lamington National Park rainforest, in SE Queensland.
From Beginning to End
Peach blossom heralding the spring Australia Photo: From nucleus to fruition Not sure how this lone peach managed to hang on all year till the new blossom bloomed? Out with old, in with the new! 😉 Time for a spring clean!
Sunset… Sunrise at Green Mountain
Last week it was my birthday (woohoo!!) so we took a few days off to go up into the Lamington National Park ~ The first day we walked to Moran’s Falls (click the link for that photo essay) Then over a glass of wine, we enjoyed the sunset. Sunset at Green Mountain Then out to dinner… […]
Paperbark Trees
Australia Photo ~ Swamp Paperbark Trees, Australia Paperbark trees are so quintessentially Australian, with their peeling trunks. There’s a swampy area I walk past most days. This week I actually stopped to photograph it 🙂
An Australia Rainforest Delight – Morans Falls
The Australian rainforest is an absolute delight. Last week we took off for a couple of days to go up into the rainforest of the Lamington National Park on the Queensland/NSW border. We walked the Morans Falls track, just 4.6km on our first day. The path takes you down through a subtropical rainforest of booyongs and brush box adorned […]
Australia Photo ~ Bush Stone Curlews, Queensland, Australia If you hear a mournful wailing sound in the night, these are the birds responsible for the eerie call. Curlews are nocturnal ground feeding birds, which during the day shelter where their plummage will best camouflage them. This family of birds have taken to resting in the grass just outside our […]
Anzac Square, Brisbane
Australia Photo ~ Palm & Boab Trees in Anzac Square, Brisbane Anzac Square is in the centre of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Associating bottle trees with the Kimberleys in Western Australia, when I first saw these boabs in Brisbane I felt there was an in-congruency. What I didn’t realize was their symbolic significance. The boab trees commemorate the Queensland Light Horse […]
Evening Light across the Bay
Australia Photo ~ Across the Bay – Evening Light Dawn and dusk are such peaceful times ~ This is the view looking east, through the eucalypt trees, across Moreton Bay, towards Stradbroke Island, as the sun sets behind us. The end of another day at the office.
The Pea Green Boat
Australia Photo ~ The Pea Green Boat The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five pound note. The poem is by Edward Lear, first published in 1871 The photograph is taken from our office window. South Moreton […]
Island Living
Australia Photo ~ Australian Island Living South Moreton Bay Islands Queensland, Australia