‘Happy New Year’ from Bonnie Scotland

Hello 2015!

And Hello to You here on Journey Jottings ๐Ÿ˜€

After a wonderful Christmas with family in Scotland, New Years Day was a wild, windy, wet affair wearing Wellington boots for sploshing in puddles!

Come and join me welcome in the New Year…


Click here if you can’t see it:ย http://youtu.be/bjtAT8ZCbL4


28 thoughts on “‘Happy New Year’ from Bonnie Scotland

    • We’ve had such beautiful hoar frosts here in Scotland it was disappointing that on a day when you want things to be all fresh and new and sparkly it was grey, gloomy and wet!
      But maybe being forced into taking a different tack isn’t such a bad new beginning! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Thanks so much Noel ~
      It was wonderful to get to meet you in person in Athens towards the end of last year –
      Where in the world will we cross paths next, I wonder?!

  1. Great video. Have wanted to go to Scotland for years- especially Findhorn. Our son went to school at Glasgow U for a semester and loved it. But I think he majored in single-malt scotch.

    • Findhorn is fascinating – Especially if you are into creating your own home produce – Do you have a veggie garden Billie?
      Scotland is surprisingly large and varied so well worth a visit – although possibly spring or autumn may be better than now in the depths of winter when the days are soooooo short!

    • Its funny how when you look out of the window, you think, Oh no – do I have to? (As the dog looks longingly at you!!)
      But once all donned up in Wellington boots and macintosh its actually quite invigorating!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • It didn’t look like too much fun when I peered out of the window into the grey gloom –
      But who can’t love the fun of jumping in puddles!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. You always come up with a new creative surprise~
    Good thing you set foot with those Wellington boots and an able partner.
    I’ve so enjoyed reading your blog posts.
    Best wishes for the New Year!

  3. Nice job on the is New Year’s wish Linda. You’re great on camera! I love the shot of you walking in the beginning with the reflection of the trees coming in from the side. Lovely to hear your voice too!

  4. We had gorgeous weather last summer when we visited Scotland and now I wish we would have had the chance to splosh in some wellies with you. When in England, we did walk along with a dog very similar to yours. Thanks for bringing me along on this great adventure in your part of the world.

    • The beauty of Scotland is the seasonal changes – And the variety of weather patterns –
      While it was pouring with rain on NY’s day, the week before we’d had stunningly beautiful hoar frosts ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Scotland and Ireland are way up high on my list, would love to visit that part of the world. And I’d love to see Cornwall England as well. I have an online friend who owns a B&B in Cornwall and the country just seems to beautiful!

    • The countryside of the whole of Great Britain is beautiful and despite the high population, there are many National Parks preserving the best!
      If you get a chance to visit your friends in Cornwall (missing the school holidays) I’d jump at it ๐Ÿ˜€
      All the best for your upcoming walk in Spain!

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