“WHAT EMOTIONS DO ‘manmade landmarks’ like the The Twin Towers, the Golden Gate Bridge, Great Wall of China, Sydney Harbor or The Brooklyn Bridge mean to you?
Can you capture how you feel about your favorite ‘manmade landmark?”
Wow ~ What a challenge ~ Its all very well being awestruck by a structure in the flesh, but can you capture its essence through the eye of a lens?
Well, this was the challenge Catherine White posed on her ‘My Divine Photography’ Facebook page…
And fantastically within two weeks she had 379 new fans, and 46 individuals who had uploaded photographs portraying landmarks from across the world, all with their own special meaning ~
With great encouragement from fellow entrants all voting freely the photograph that received the most ‘Likes’ in a nail biting fast and furious finish was this image by Dee NaeNae taken in Brisbane, Australia, who received 75 votes ~
Dee said of the image:
“This [bridge] is my favourite local spot to take artistic portraits. Logan River Parklands ‘Red Bridge’ in Queensland, is a historical landmark and provides an awesome backdrop.”
In second place by a mere one vote less was Annalisa Holmes‘ photograph of Taipei, Taiwan:
Annalisa said:
“Taipei – one of the most underrated countries I have been to. This photo was taken in 2008 when I embarked on a ten day holiday to see my father who has lived overseas for ten years … leaving my husband and two young children behind. It was a significant holiday on many levels for me.”
And in third place this photo of Sydney’s Harbour, Australia by Cecelia Cook

Photo by Cecelia Cooke
Cecelia said:
“Took this photo from the plane as I was flying into Sydney, moved to Melbourne 6 mths ago! It’s still home to me, most amazing harbour, so so beautiful…”
Here are some of my personal favourites from the 46 entries ~
Golden Gate Bridge, USA by Stefano Minopoli
Stefano said:
“While I was walking around Marina Green, trying to find anything of interesting to capture, I saw this amazing scene: the fisherman silhouette that seems a jazz musician and the Golden Gate Bridge as background.”
Taj Mahal, India by Sean Mudie
Sean made no comment ~ some images don’t need words! The Taj Mahal has to be one of the most evocative landmarks when it comes to emotion, and for me personally has beautiful memories having seen it when I was in India by the light of a full moon 😉
Ubud Bali, Indonesia by Tony Cosentino
Tony said:
“Multilevel rice paddies in Ubud Bali, to get some idea of the scale look at the worker in the center left of the shot. Taken 2 years ago with my favourite photography tools, Leica M3 with slide film”
St Peter’s Basilica, Italy by Johanna Baker-Dowell
Johanna said:
“In the months between leaving a bad relationship behind and coming back to Australia to live, I showed my boyfriend (now husband) one of my favourite places in the world – Italy. This was my second attempt to see the Sistine Chapel (it was closed the first time and the Pope had the bad timing to die as we arrived this time), so I had to be happy with St Peter’s Bascilica instead.”
The Rocks historic precinct, Sydney by Myriam Conrié-Thibault
Myriam said:
“I took this picture in The Rocks, Sydney’s historic district, last year. Really interesting light installations during the Creative Sydney Festival.”
The Divine Miss White said:
“The idea behind ‘My Divine Landmark’ is to draw out our emotional connections to images of recognizable landmarks. So inspiring are the photos, an extention of ‘My Divine Landmark’, in the form of a published work, will be announced within the week.”
Interested in where this is going? Subscribe to Catherine’s blog 🙂
What man-made landmarks evoke an emotion for you?
Please add it in the comments below…
Your gallery has done the photographers justice Linda. When I seen the photos displayed like this, and see the stories mirrored back I’m reminded how unique the competition really was.
Thank you for giving the Photographers/Artists such a beautiful wrap.
Catherine White recently posted..My Divine Landmark Winners said yes to the Challenge and Opportunity
Catherine ~ Too many gorgeous photos and interesting stories not to share with a wider audience who maybe aren’t on FB 😉 (Yes, I do know a few LOL)
Thanks for instigating ~ Look forward to seeing where this project might be heading to next…
This is a rich and sumptuous recap and build of Catherine’s marvelous competition. Well done, Linda.
Robin Dickinson recently posted..Take the Richard Branson Business Success Test
Thanks Robin ~
Glorious photos highlighting such a plethora of landmarks from across the globe… Can’t wait to see where Catherine goes with this project next 😉
Ascending the CN Tower in Toronto was a goal I had always promised myself as I have always suffered from a fear of falling from a great height. The elevator soars up the tower in seconds and stepping out on to the platform that circles the top of the tower was terrifying if I looked down. However the views of the Great lakes and the cityscape fo Toronto, with it’s gracious and many university campuses was both breathtaking and stunning.
I was not one of the fearless souls who approached the edge of the windows, nor did I venture onto the glass floor area – but I can say that I did it in 1996!
That is a real accomplishment Annie 🙂
I guess keeping your eye on the horizontal view (as opposed to the vertical) was the trick ~
The CN Tower in Toronto for you certainly is a divine landmark!