Birthday Bashes Around the World

August is my birthday month…

so this month’s travelling tales theme from our Facebook friends is:

Where in the World have you spent a Birthday?

Kaylene Higgs

I remember only one away from home!

Traveling for a work trip through WA. Monkey Mia for my birthday morning, up early and a dolphin came in for a feed and a social visit.

Dolphin at Monkey Mia, WA

Annabel Candy

Gosh, I can never remember any of my birthdays!

Except maybe my 21st when my dad gave me a case of champagne to share with friends before “treating” me to a specially arranged tour of the Houses of Parliament in London. I think that was more of a treat for him actually and unfortunately I was rather hung over after all the champers. I nearly fainted in the Royal Throning Room…

Robing Room, Houses of Parliament London

Photo by UK Parliament

Catherine White Photography

My mother has only one sister, who gave birth to one child. Unlike my mother who gave birth to seven children, of whom I’m the eldest. Ironically, the sisters first born girls were born on the same day in the month of June. We didn’t grow up together, or know each other much, as before our births, my mother immigrated from Ireland for Australia, and my Aunt to New York.

Last year we spent our birthdays together on Long Island, New York. She doesn’t know it yet, but I will be also be there for the birth of her second child later this year.

The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, as the familial, genetic code is so strong, she is more like a younger sister, than a cousin in a distant land.

It was a good birthday.

Long Island, NYC

Photo by KiHoon Park

Leanne ~ Getaway Guru

Over the last few years, my husband and I (and family) have celebrated some significant birthdays in Florence, on a Greek island and in Priano on the Amalfi Coast, whilst my son celebrated his 7th birthday in Thailand.

We’ll be in Tuscany in a villa for about 20 people for another significant birthday in 2013. You can see the theme huh! I love celebrating a birthday and a memorable location adds even more excitement.

Tuscany, Italy

Photo by Jeremy Vandel


Kris ~

Oh, can I still submit my favorite birthday!

It has to be my one of my best friend’s birthday in Oxford. Our term was ending and everyone was starting to loosen up. My friend and I spent many a days finding new cafes and eateries and I knew her favorite chocolate cake was at a Greek deli near our flat.

I walked for 30 minutes with a giant chocolate cake to the restaurant in the city on her birthday, so it would be a surprise. At the end of dinner, our server brought out the cake and she was so friggin happy.

Chocolate Cake

Photo by Dave Mee

Mardi Dean

On the plane to Vietnam

A surprise birthday present a few years ago. 10 days to Vietnam leaving on my birthday. Had the most amazing time. We spent most of it in Hoi An which we loved. Would love to go back very soon. The people are so friendly. They just smile. It is actually the best place to go to de-stress.

Vietnam from the airplane

Photo by Marufish

Linda Fairbairn 

Under a mossie net tied between my motorbike and a bush, beside a billabong in the Northern Territory of Australia…
Now which way around is it when you shine your torch at night over the water and see the eyes of animals reflecting – Is it the green eyes are buffalo and red eyes are crocodiles or… ?!

Billabong, Kakadu Northern Territory

Photo by Ben n Rebecca McIntyre

Bobbie ~ Heels and Wheels

I spent one in Aruba that was really special!

Another in Brisbane, Australia with new friends which was also quite nice!

Aruba, in the ABC Islands off Venezuela

Photo by David Stanley

Where have you spent a special birthday?

Do tell in the comments below 🙂

Journey Jottings highlights holiday adventures

10 thoughts on “Birthday Bashes Around the World

  1. I’ve awakened on 17th October in London, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Nairobi, Dublin, Tahiti, New York, Marrakesh, Muscat, Provincetown and Algiers. I’ve also seen out three birthdays in Pakistan: my 39th in the Khyber agency, my 40th in Rawalpindi and my 41st in Sukkur, an historic town on the river Indus in Sindh. It must be that I’m a travel writer…Writing about the social isolation of a birthday, far-away from home in my new book Travels with MY Hat.

  2. Haha, thanks for posting my 21st birthday story here Linda. Loved reading the other stories too. Looking at that photo of the Royal Throning room took me right back though. Maybe it wasn’t just the hangover that made me want to throw up – that color scheme is pretty violent (and vile) isn’t it?!

    • LOL
      I concede the thought of looking at that shocking pink and gold with a head swimming after a crate of champagne…. :/
      Thanks so much for participating 🙂

    • When you’re in a fixed abode for a period its fun having a real excuse to step away from the everyday for 24 hours ~
      I’ve had a few ‘special’ birthdays quite close to ‘home’, which were magic 🙂
      (Such as this year’s trip up to the Lamington National Park just 2 hours from ‘home’ 🙂 )

  3. We began our RTW trip on my 25th birthday. I turned 25 on a plane somewhere over the ocean, arrived in Málaga, Spain to meet a friend and went to see a BMX biking meets Flamenco show at an ancient castle overlooking the city. It was a birthday to remember, that’s for sure!
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  4. I’ve had a few birthdays abroad, almost all of them fun and enjoyable … except one!

    I know you asked for a special birthday and travel story but I just have to share this one.

    I spent one of my birthday’s (January) having to sleep in a car in the outskirts of Hamburg (Germany) with the winter temperature dropping to below zero.

    Memorable but not my idea of a celebration.

    • That’s one of those stories that’s hilarious after the event and the discomfort is no longer being felt (LOL)
      Definitely memorable, but as you say, not in a celebratory kind of way 😉

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