“Up at 7.30. Still a calm & very hot. In the afternoon we sighted a French mail “steamer” (the only one during the voyage) & nine other vessels, also a shark & a whale. In the evening we had a very heavy discussion on religion with our friend Smith who is a Baptist & being […]
2nd November 1878 – 37th day
“Another dead calm & only 300 miles from the line so imagine how cold it is. Joey & I made our beds once again for a change our usual time for making them is every 2 to 3 weeks. Little of consequence occurs today. Had a game of whist & to bed at 11.30” Extract […]
1st November 1878 – 36th day
“Up at 6, it is still very sultry & Cergou (ships name for oatmeal porridge) is so very filling. But I must not grumble for now is the time to eat drink & be merry for soon we shall be in the promised land. I am getting quite religious (as you will observe) under the […]
31st October 1878 – 35th day
“Up at 6.30. Another calm day with occasional showers. Arthur fishing for Dolphins & Benita at the end of the bowsprit while I am looking on. You all know fishing is not my failing. Today we have 11 vessels in view 3 of which we have spoken & who turn out to be the Helen […]
30th October 1878 – 34th day
“Stofully hot again. 87 in the shade so we have not been moving about much today. Went to sleep from 12.45 to 4 on top of our house as this is the coolest part of the ship between the boats. Headache all day. Bed at 11.” Extract from A.Whelen’s Australia travel diary aboard the Hesperides sailing […]
29th October 1878 – 33rd day
“Joey and the second mate have been amusing themselves by throwing pailfuls of water over each other as their clothes were too dry so that these two young parties are slightly damp. Peter (our cat & a beautiful tom) is missing & it is supposed that in trying after some bird or other he has […]
28th October 1878 – 32nd day
“Up at 7. Very hot again and squally all day. Sighted two vessels and spoke one. She is going to Sydney but we could not make out her name for she is not on the books, being a new ship most likely. Joey trying to catch birds by hook & has at last succeeded in […]
23rd October 1878 – 27th day
“Up at 7 for a cold bath which is the best thing we get on board. After breakfast Arthur began a new trade that of washing his dirty clothes of which he did a goodish quantity. However he found it rather warm work. We are now of the Cape Verdi Isles but we shall not […]
20th October 1878 – 24th day
“Up at 6, another beautiful day. We are now 25 degrees N of the line & no wind again. Have not seen any sails to relieve the monotony. I was reading about Bath this morning & find it is the best place to send the great unwashed. Please take note of this. To give you […]
15th October 1878 – 19th day
“During the night a squall came on & made us ship a little lot of water which wetted some of the sailors & I heard some of them offering up their prayers as it seemed to me. Now the wind is down again & we are only making very little progress. We are all getting […]