Where do you feel the most content? If you had to name a place or an environment that you feel most at peace in – what surrounds would you choose to put yourself? Urban or country? While cities have their attractions and beauty in a contrived way, nature can rarely be topped – Ask someone […]
Turtles & Dugongs
Australia Photo Essay: Turtles and Dugongs through the eyes of the Torres Strait Islanders. The above artwork by Dennis Nona (2010) is entitled Thurr (Tracks of the turtle). The turtle leaves the water and lumbers against gravity up the beach to lay its eggs. She digs a deep hole where she lays them for […]
I’ve only ever seen a koala in the wild twice. Once in a beautiful piece of eucalyptus forest in northern NSW where tucked high up in the fork of a tree between trunk and branch the koala was perched, or was it wedged? 😉 And the second time was on an horrendously busy road in an outer […]