Australia Photo ~ Palm & Boab Trees in Anzac Square, Brisbane Anzac Square is in the centre of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Associating bottle trees with the Kimberleys in Western Australia, when I first saw these boabs in Brisbane I felt there was an in-congruency. What I didn’t realize was their symbolic significance. The boab trees commemorate the Queensland Light Horse […]
Evening Light across the Bay
Australia Photo ~ Across the Bay – Evening Light Dawn and dusk are such peaceful times ~ This is the view looking east, through the eucalypt trees, across Moreton Bay, towards Stradbroke Island, as the sun sets behind us. The end of another day at the office.
The Pea Green Boat
Australia Photo ~ The Pea Green Boat The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five pound note. The poem is by Edward Lear, first published in 1871 The photograph is taken from our office window. South Moreton […]
Island Living
Australia Photo ~ Australian Island Living South Moreton Bay Islands Queensland, Australia
Kookaburra Sitting in the Old Gum Tree
Australia Photo ~ Kookaburra This Kookaburra flew ahead of me as I walked through the shady glady gum tree woodland this week. “Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, Eating all the gum drops he can see. Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra Gay your life must be!” “Kookaburra sits on the electric wire, Jumping up and down, […]
Pacific Ocean – Looking East
Australia Photo ~ The Pacific Ocean from Stradbroke Island, SE Queensland, Australia Nothing between us and South America 😉
Expedition to an Island Beach

In the sand dunes that back the beach, it amazes me that anything can grow ~ This is an Island Beach No nutrients in the soil, and such good drainage no water will hold between the fine white grains of sand – Yet, these coastal plants defy the possibility producing luscious yellow blooms. Keeping close to […]
Brisbane Town Hall, Queensland
Australia Photo ~ A Moment in Time Brisbane Town Hall, Queensland, Australia The 70m clock tower that rises 91 meters above ground level, is based upon St Mark’s Campanile, in Venice Italy. The four clock faces on each side of the tower are the largest in Australia. Opened in 1930, the Brisbane Town Hall underwent […]
Stradbroke Island Beach
Australia Photo ~ She Oak on the southern end of Stradbroke Island Beach SE Queensland, Australia
Birds Nest Tree Ferns – Epiphytes
Australia Photo ~ Epiphytes ~ Birds Nest Tree Ferns in the rainforest Epiphytes are plants that use another plant or object as a host upon which to grow ~ Their roots are not therefore in the soil so nutrients are derived from the air, the rain, and sometimes an accumulation of leaf debris. These Birds […]