Each month flies past so fast, I often get to the end of the year, and say –
Where did that go? What did we do?
So, at the end of each month I select a *highlight* and record it in one of the jotting boxes on a Map Journal, so at year’s end I can peruse just what we have achieved at a glance with all major events simply summarized on a single sheet 😉
At the beginning of November an Independent Travel Exchange, “the backpacking and adventure travel industry’s very own business-to-business appointment-based networking day” was held in Sydney giving the opportunity for “Australasian tourism businesses to meet other local operators in order to canvas new business opportunities and develop networking contacts”
There were 100 travel related businesses participating, so it was an excellent opportunity to meet face to face other businesses servicing the travelling market.
Here’s the blog post I wrote when I got home:
Beautiful one day, Sydney the next
What was your highlight for November?
Please add it to the comments below, so at least its recorded somewhere for posterity 😉
Then if you want to see what else has happened to us here at Journey Jottings this year, click below:
Hi Linda,
That’s an easy one for me… the absolute highlight of November was getting my new website up. I’d been waiting since June so it has felt like a looooooong journey indeed. Now I feel like having a party to celebrate. Thanks for helping me ‘remember’ it here…
I’m so pleased we have that noted for posterity here, as working on something that takes so long in the coming, often gets ticked off the ‘To Do’ list and the achievement is overlooked as we speedily shuffle onto the next task…
Congratulations on a beautiful new site 🙂
Like Claire, I too was so chuffed to have my website go live! It has taken months of refining content and message and now it is out there. So pleased.
However, there’s been another highlight for me. While living overseas, the sense of community is very different, alongside not having television, I did not see a lot of community activity going on, especially in the first few years. Giving and supporting important causes just wasn’t (and to some extent still isn’t) so visible there. [It does happen however it is just not as visible.]
So, to my highlight for November: seeing so many mo’s for Movember! The very visible community involvement has lightened my heart; the visible mo’s have brought a giggle on more than one occasion (not to their face of course). I am incredibly grateful that I come from, and live with, such visibly supportive, supporting and community minded folk…. not to mention hairy! 🙂
Congratulations Sally on a brilliant new website ~
And love your perspective on Movember
Community involvement is great to see, but even better when so clearly displayed on the faces of so many males 😀
Being in BsAs with my fiance! 🙂
Andi recently posted..Cuba- Day 6 Part 2
Ooooo!! Nice one 😉
Mine would have to be the easy rider tour we did in Vietnam, learnt so much about the country.
Your blog is a great record of a fabulous trip ~
Hope you’re also jotting odd notes in small (locally purchased) notebooks for posting home with local stamps ~
Blogs are great today, but will always remain virtual! In years to come, nothing beats holding something that you know you once held in some far off land!
Anyone wanting to read about travelling in Vietnam (and SE Asia) head over to Poi & Kirsty’s blog No Place to Be
Highlight for November for me was celebrating my 50th birthday, drinks and nibblies on Fri night @ 2nd daughters house and oldest daughter, her hubby and 4 kids arrived from Tamworth to surprise me, organised to have lunch with them all on Sunday, went out for dinner on Sat night with hubby and surprise surprise, there they all are again including some friends and neighbours as well. Don’t know how they managed to keep it hidden from so well, between 4 girls usually one of them slips up somewhere, lol
Love the way everyone rallied to keep the whole thing ‘Mum’!
There couldn’t have been a better present in the world 😉
Oh… and Happy Birthday 😀