In 2009 Steve Andrews rode his motorbike solo around Australia. Unlike most people, who set out on such a trip in order to fulfill their personal dreams, Steve was also on a quest ~ A quest to raise community awareness about the insidious nature of depression. This solo tour of Australia was the inaugural ‘Black […]
New Eyes
Spotted this poster on the Community Board down at the ferry terminal 🙂 “The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes” Marcel Proust Having recently written a blog post about travelling on home turf its a quote that I love! 😀
Tripbase & Travel Secrets
Best Kept Travel Secrets I was thrilled when I received a nomination from Kirsty Wilson of Travel Tips Plus to reveal 3 of my best kept travel secrets as part of a Blog Tag game initiated by Tripbase. (Click on the images below to get the FREE pdfs 😉 ) My 3 Best Kept Travel Secrets feature in the blue […]
The Downsides to Air Travel
The downsides to long haul air travel are all ‘D’s… Dehydration, DVT and Deafness (as the pressure changes on descent) 🙁 To overcome these, here are my tips – Dehydration: I take a water bottle with me – Whilst there can be no liquid in it as you board (current security) the larger planes have […]
Travelling on Home Turf
Its funny how we clamber to travel and explore other parts of the globe, whilst travellers from other parts of the globe clamber to travel and experience our home turf! Places, that to us are merely where we go about our everyday business are to them a far off distant land worthy of exploring; areas that […]
My 3 Best Kept Travel Secrets
I’ve been nominated by Kirsty Wilson of TravelTipsPlus to participate in Tripbase’s “3 Best Kept Secrets” “Congratulations on being nominated in Tripbase’s Best Kept Travel Secrets Project! Two months on, and we’re amazed at the response we’ve had. Over 100 travel bloggers have participated so far, sharing their Best Kept Travel Secrets on far-flung destinations, […]